Are you interested in becoming a member of First Presbyterian Church? Membership in First Presbyterian Church of Roswell is open to all people of goodwill who seek to serve Christ. Membership is bestowed after a meeting with the Session. Benefits include a voice and vote at congregational meetings and the opportunity to serve our church as a Ruling Elder or Deacon. This church seeks to grow numerically as well as spiritually. The FPC Session intends to welcome new members through the year. If the Spirit is moving you to consider membership, please talk to Pastor John right away. Read more... People enter into active church membership in the following ways:
Public profession of faith, made after examination by the session in the meaning and responsibilities of membership; if not already baptized, the person making profession of faith shall be baptized
Certificate of transfer, when a person is a member of another Christian church at the time of transfer
Reaffirmation of faith, for persons previously baptized in the name of the triune God and having publicly professed their faith.