The "GIVE NOW" button will send you to a secure website where you may give to God through First Presbyterian from your checking account or credit card. You may specify a one-time or recurring gift. Thank you for your support of First Presbyterian ministries and mission on behalf of God's kingdom on earth.
Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7
A few thoughts on the stewardship of God's resources...
Everything belongs to God; we are stewards (managers) of what is God's
The right motivations for giving are joy and thankfulness
Giving is a response to God's astounding grace, not an obligation
Even so, giving should also be sacrificial: it should cost us something, as the cross was costly for Christ
Giving to God should be from the "first fruits" of God's resources, not the leftovers
The Biblical model for giving is proportional: proportional to expected income (God's trust to us); furthermore, the tithe (10%) is the Biblical gold standard
Faithful stewardship of God's resources is one of many spiritual disciplines, such as worship, prayer, study of Scripture, service to others, and witnessing to Christ
Generous giving to God is a demonstration that worldly wealth is not our idol, that God takes precedence over security and accumulated assets
Faithful giving to God is an expression of trust in God, that God will provide all that we need
We give to God through the church, as the ancient Hebrews gave to God through the temple, and as faithful ones have done in all the generations since
Pledging generously to God in advance, for the coming year, is a commitment to many of these principles: an acknowledgment that everything belongs to God; an expression of the giving of "first fruits;" a spiritual discipline; a statement of trust in God's providence